A Full Blue Moon Ritual

A Full Blue Moon Ritual

I have been doing these rituals lately and it really feels like it's helping create a bit more balance and energy in my life. I knew where I wanted to go with my ritual but I also wanted to see what others were up to.
Nicole over at Cauldron's &Cupcakes had a very cool ritual posted, so I thought I'd kind of incorporate it into what I was already doing and let me tell you, it was fantastic!

This moon is about letting the old unwanted things go to make room for the new amazing positive things you want in your life. I think we could all use some of that!
Now, I was feeling these energies on Thursday and it was really upping my enthusiasm for this ritual and for all of the new things I'm ready for.

So...on to the ritual:

I do a lot of my rituals and meditations inside because I'd rather not deal with the bug bites the next morning but for this one I felt like the backyard was where it needed to be done.
I saged off the patio area where I was going to be working and lit some lavender candles.
For any of you that are new to this, it's important (in my opinion, anyway) that once you have cleansed an area with sage that you fill that void with something that will kind of keep your area 'pure', if you will...basically, you don’t want that stale or negative energy to come right back after you just spent time clearing it out.
Amethysts, selenite, quartz, and obsidian are what I tend to work with, I just feel they are right for me but you can use any crystals of your choosing.
I simply arranged my crystals in a circle around the candles but you can also place them around yourself if you feel so inclined.

Once all the candles were lit and crystals in place I closed my eyes and just kind of cleared out my mind. I was nervous for some reason and I didn’t want to bring that feeling with me during the ritual...so I took a few deep breaths and just let everything go. 

After about 5 minutes I opened my eyes and the moon was just rising over the top of the tree in our yard, perfect timing!
Now, if you will recall back to the beginning of this post, I mentioned that I incorporated the ritual that Nicole had posted on her blog, which you can see here.
I wrote down my list of things I wanted to release and picked my releasing stone, I then wrote down my list of things I wanted to anchor in my life and chose my anchoring stone. I meditated on each list and thought deeply about what I truly need to change and what I would like to embrace for the better from now on.
I set a match to each list respectively and my stones are now resting out in the yard until tomorrow morning when I will bury the releasing stone.
This felt amazing, by the way. Writing down all these things that no longer serve me and realizing everything that I know I want and am striving for, it's something I recommend even if it doesn't coincide with a moon ritual.
So following the igniting of the lists, I began to pray and meditate not just for my own personal growth but for those around me, my family and my friends, those I used to call friends and those that I will call friends in the future, I wanted to put out positivity for any and all who needed it in hopes that it will soon find them.

I honestly didn't expect this ritual to be as emotional but it absolutely was and in such a positive way that I cried as I was giving thanks to Spirit.
I left all of my materials out to recharge in the moonlight and when I picked them up this morning I felt such a jolt of energy I nearly dropped everything so I suppose you could say it was a very successful evening!

Now, bear in mind, I am not nor do I claim to be a professional at this kind of thing and I really feel that the more you make things your own and the more of yourself you put into your actions the better the outcome will be. Sure, I could have opened up any number of books to find a proper ritual for the full moon (and Lammas!) but I knew I had to make this mine and just let it flow the way it was going to and not worry about the passage I was supposed to read next (and how am I supposed to read this in the dark?!) or 'what if I don’t have all the right materials?', I went with my intuition and I'm thrilled with how it turned out.
I am curious to know if any of you did a full moon ritual of your own. Do share with me if you did!


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