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So the other day I sat down and decided to give myself a New Year reading...and this spread just kind of came as I was reading the cards. You'll notice I'm not using my Ladies...well, they told me that it's not time now and that I need to work with this deck. That was a little sad for me, they've been my tried and true bff's for years and I love them but I also know they're right. It's time to grow and the Wild Unknown has really started calling to me and I'm so glad that finally happened because I was losing faith (haha) but she's finally feeling like an old friend.
I'm offering this spread right now in the shop but only for a limited time so hop on over and snag it while you can! I'm also still offering the Buy One Get One and Pay What You Want Deals!
I know this is a time for resolutions and goal setting but I've decided to do it a little differently this year. I've decided I'm going to set my goals monthly, during the New Moon when it's time to build things and then get rid of everything I don't want (bad habits, things I no longer need/use/want etc) during the time from the Full Moon to the New Moon. I've got a list of things I'd like to get done in 2016 but I also am trying to set myself up for success in completing every little thing on that list. How do you usually set your New Years resolutions?
I'm really excited and ready for all the new things I have to offer you guys and I'm ready to get that energy moving and flowing and manifest all this good stuff. I also want to collaborate with you guys this year! Even if you don't have a blog but you have something to say or share and you feel this is a good platform for you, please feel free to contact me.
I'll also be doing a lot more on Instagram, giveaways/contests, some weekly readings, etc...
It's difficult right now because of work but once I am on my own (yes! finally! i've decided to quit, Plan B be damned!) in February things are going to be poppin' around here!
I love you guys and I can't wait for what 2016 has to bring us all!
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