I'm back!

Hello everyone!
I know it's been quite a long time since my last post and I am trying to be better. It's been a crazy time for me recently and I've just had no desire to write or do anything creative for that matter.
But I'm back with a vengeance and I want to kind of switch things up and change things around...i haven't figured out the how's or the when's yet but those details are all coming together.

I decided after this recent new moon on 12/11 that it was really time to get my butt back in gear and start the blog back up, do some new monthly features, get going with the newsletter, collaborate with people and most of all start throwing down those tarot cards more!
I've been reading cards for a while now but something was calling me to take the Beginner Tarot class that Veronica Varlow offers and it's amazing so far! My Wild Unknown deck has been calling my name lately and we have made this amazing connection so I'm happy to be able to work with them with ease now.

Which brings me to my next order of business, just after Christmas you will see some of these changes emerging on the blog and in the shop so keep and eye on this space for that!

Finally, I'm trying to drum up some extra funds to attend the Wild Heart Retreat in New York next month! If any of you have had the pleasure of going to an even at Magic House then you will understand why I am determined to go. So I am currently offering 2 sales on readings:

The first is a Buy One Get One Free deal, upon checkout just leave me a comment with the name of the reading you would like for free! Easy!

The second is a Pay What You Want deal, this one you'll need to email me your details (amount, type of reading, your name) and I'll send you an invoice and then your reading! Simple as that!

I love you guys and I'm so excited to get started on all this new stuff!
If you do happen to take part in one of my deals, please send me an email and let me know so that I can send you a coupon code for your next purchase!



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