So last night my boyfriend, Paul, and I were watching the penultimate episode of Mad Men. I won't spoil anything for any of you who are like me and just seeing season 7 episodes for the first time...
But if you ever watched the show you know the episode...some crazy stuff is going on, it seems like Don is unhinged and yet in a time where any of us would be terrified, he stands, as usual, unwavering and strong.
The episode ends (trust, this is not a spoiler) with Don sitting at a bus stop...fade to black...roll credits...
Paul looks over at me with wide eyes and he says "Babe, Don has gone full crazy!" and I said "Not at all! In fact, Don FINALLY knows what's up! He's LIVING his life!"
And that made me many of us are just passing through our own lives. How may of us are bystanders?
Probably a ton of us. I know I definitely am a LOT of the time. Working my 9 to 5, just getting by, the occasional vacation, and most of the time I'm wanting. Wanting to go here, go there, do this, do that...not work a job i'm not happy at but i have to work it because i have to pay bills blah blah blah.
How many of you feel that way? I truly want to know. Leave me comments, send me emails...just reach out. I'm interested. Tell me.
I'm going to be 30 next month and I can't seem to account for anything truly amazing, by my own standards, that I've done. I've finally had enough. I put in a notice with my boss that I will be leaving, and while there is no for certain date yet, it's on my horizon and I am DEFINITELY ready for it.
You'll see a lot of changes in the next few weeks here, a new look, a new .com and...*drum roll* a new name. I think that's the first step. Starting from scratch and getting it how I want it.
I absolutely am looking to collaborate with other bloggers as well so please feel free to contact me!
Keep an eye on this space!
*all photos are mine, please do not take them without proper credit*
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