Tarotscopes May 2016

Hey everyone!!
So I missed out on April tarotscopes because life was kinda crazy. I was determined, though, to do them for May! A little different this time as I have used the Moon Phases Oracle deck this time, yaaayy! Now, I have interpreted these intuitively myself and also included what Devin has written in the guidebook to further enhance the message.

So, without further ado....


The Wish:
Anything is possible. We have one life, so we may as well live it bravely and boldly! Go after the things you wish for and you might be surprised how many of those wishes will come true. The Universe provides, especially when we are open to change, when we surrender ourselves and control and know that where there is a will, there is a way.
"Make a wish. Be excited by your own existence! Today, celebrate like it's your birthday and play with wild like abandonment. YOU are a child of this Universe and it's OKAY to remind yourself of this simplicity."


Tree Moon:
You haven't gotten where you are today by doing nothing. You have grown and changed and shaped yourself into who you are by the lessons you have learned and the experiences you have been through and overcome. The old adage is true, defeat is not a loss merely another opportunity to get up and try again.
"You can learn much, not just from the Moon but from the Tree. A long standing a long term key player in the scale of 'Life'. Take time for silence this month. To stand firm and just know - without verbally expressing - what it is you know. This card is pulled to remind you of your inner workings and to tell you it's all a process - one process atop another to build into the rings of experience. As the days grow shorter and the year's end draws nearer, you are called to respect. To respect yourself, each other, your environment and more. Thoughts travel quickly, be good, be gentle with who really matters - YOU."


The Christmas Moon:
So many of the planets are in retrograde right now so this is a time to go within and reflect on things. Are there things you wish to change, to make better, to do differently? What are the things you LOVE that you do?  No action need be taken just yet, this is about settling in and doing some deep diving into your thoughts, your intuition, your inner "well", are you feeling fulfilled, why or why not, what steps can you take to get there, etc.
"By pulling this card you are being told to reflect. the 12th Moon, more commonly known as the 'Cold Moon', is a time of resurfacing as well as attunement. Something is ending for you, but all the while something beautiful is also beginning. Don't doubt the turning wheel of life as this time has come to you for a reason. See the minutes as precious. Remind yourself of grace and blessing. Today the reward is being you. See yourself as the gift and make this time your grand unboxing."


It's a new day, another opportunity to take the chances or make the changes you didn't yesterday (or the day before that...)
We aren't promised a future, we often live like we have endless time but the reality is, we have no idea what will happen tomorrow or if there even will be a tomorrow. So don't drag your baggage with you from today into tomorrow, give each day the respect it deserves and live it anew..
"The sister card to Dusk. These two cards were designed and thought of as the symbol of the yin yang within the Oracle herself. Dawn reminds us to rise up each day, to show strength and vitality because the sun is backing us now with brute force and sheer will. Dawn is your morning cup of coffee, your baby grabbing at your knee, your lover kissing your lips, your life. Dawn is life. What is here is yours, meaning whatever is in YOUR dawn is yours. Cherish it. Cherish this day, all days to come. You have made it this far, why give up now?" 


Dispute Moon:
We all have those times where it seems like an uphill battle for everything we want or are trying to do. Traffic to and from work, your car breaks down, you didn't make that deadline or get that new job, you hate your coworkers, you fight with your boss, your kids, your partner. Take a step back, breathe, know that it's not going to last forever, it might seem like it in the moment but you will get through it.
 "This is a time to settle differences. If you've been feeling particularly 'tense' with something or someone, then this card is in direct relation to it. This dispute. it must end. It truly serves no higher purpose and this is not a time for separation but togetherness. If you're not in the midst of a quarrel, then perhaps ponder this...sometimes old anger over something remains hidden deep within us. What do you need to pull out in order to release? Something lurks. It's time to hash it out one and for all. Everyone, even you, deserves a peaceful outcome. Believe. Achieve."


Sometimes we must put to rest a part of ourselves or our lives in order to truly move on and make space for something new to come in. Think about it like this, you have an old lumpy couch, it's falling apart and you can hardly sit on it without being uncomfortable. You have the means to go out and buy an awesome new one...but you've had this old one for so long, lots of memories and good times were had, how could you possibly part with it? Easy. Take that shit out to the trash, the dump, the Goodwill, whatever, just get it the hell out of your house. If you are still holding space for something that no longer serves a purpose for you or that only makes you miserable, why are you keeping it? Believe it or not, the Universe WANTS to give us what is best for us so by holding on to these things we cannot make space for growth or new opportunities.
"What have you been hiding behind? Whether an addiction, an unhealthy relationship with something or someone, or perhaps an old trauma or hurt. What is keeping you back? What needs a burial in your life today? As morbid as death may seem to be, it's actually quite beautiful. There is no more pain - no more suffering - no more. It is inhuman because it is the only time we literally are completely without control. In keeping with this thought - what can you You turn over to the Universe? To give no second thought to, to give no more emotion over to? What can you give?"


Blessings Moon:
Things are really starting to go your way, a little at first and then building momentum. Just remember to be grateful for all the little things too. Take a little time to focus your energies on something that you really want, maybe a new job or to find your career path. Do a little soul searching and devise a plan to make it happen!
"Here there is relaxed energy. Not only is this card a call to you saying you should do it - like 'actually' do it - but it is also a card of reminder. Telling you to prepare, to meditate, to set goals, make plans. This is a time for you to succeed and not just in the trendy way. I'm talking about the super abundant way!
If you're a Diviner, grow! Dream work is highly recommended but connecting on high and working with the Chakras is also a great practice"


Waxing Moon:
Your energies are growing, you might feel some extra oomph to do things, or gain the clarity you've been needing to continue or begin working on a project. This phase of the moon is about BUILDING things, it's about creating. So take the same idea and harness it in your life right now. Ask yourself what you want to create? What do you want MORE of in your life? This is a month of manifestation, don't let it go to waste!
"As the New Moon transitions into the Full Moon, the Moon will appear to be growing in size as each day passes by. This card represents gaining in strength, and this is a good time to focus on increasing things of your own. This could be in abundance, relationships, spirituality, even a good time to consider pregnancy if you so desire. This Moon phase, like any, promotes healing. What are you growing towards? Stretch your arms up high like a child would to a parent, and visualize what you are growing towards. If it's not good, consider this a period of contemplation. Communication is good right now so hold fast to your truths and speak from your heart, your soul. Spirit is always with you."


Happiness abounds for you this month, you feel a little like you're walking on air. You have plans in motion and things are coming to fruition! On the other side of that token, if you're feeling a bit down and like nothing you plan or envisioned is working out like you thought it would be. Take a breath. Sometimes things unfold a little differently than we plan but we end up with the same outcome. Either way, keep your spirits high this month, don't let anything get you down.
"Did you hear that? That! Just then! Your heart, your heart's unique rhythm and tune. When this card is pulled for you it can only mean one of two things. You're on your path, you're doing the work and putting in the time to reach your dreams. Or you need to come on back. You need to beat the drums and get to stepping because you've fallen away, dear one. Sing your song, sing it loud and sing it proud. No one can ever be you and no one will ever love the way you do - things, people, places, and more. All of it is blessed by you. Own your worth."


You can hear your intuition. You know the path you should follow and you are headstrong to do so. Don't let anyone dissuade you if you TRULY feel like you are going in the right direction. Only you know what is best for you. Be steadfast and trust yourself and your intuition, it will always guide you true.
"An iconic figure, no doubt, the wolf has shown its face to you as a reminder of your very own calling. Wolves primarily hunt in packs, and yet they are very independent creatures too. The wold reminds you: we don't always have to go it alone - just as we should not always automatically extend our hand for help, or in this case, a paw. Bottom line here is. Listen. Your intuition, that gut feeling as some call it - it'll always know what to do, and in turn so will you."


The Father:
You are someone people tend to look up to, someone people go to for guidance or advise. A shoulder to cry on, if you will. You enjoy being that person but sometimes you feel like you need some reciprocation. If you've been doing a lot of giving but not much receiving lately, put that out in the open, talk about it. Communication is your friend and biggest ally. If you're afraid or unsure of yourself, talk about that too, often times when we feel like we are alone in a situation that's really when our friends, family, partners are looking out for us, we just don't always see it.
"The partner to the Mother, this card is receiving. Meaning, just like the act of receiving this card...easy, unexplained, but most of all accepted, you too need to be receiving something more in your life. It could be from someone, or perhaps something. Maybe it's even something you've been 'trying' to do your whole life, and yet never got it quite right. In a way, the act of receiving can be quite difficult. But don't be fooled, the act of achieving such feats is spectacular. Think balance. Think confidence. Think that you have all the right answers, even if you're still searching for clues. With the Father, it's like coming home. Someone or something has your back right now, you just have to give in to receiving it."


I think of this card, in a way, like the Wheel of Fortune in the tarot deck, it says your luck is changing for the better. Sometimes we have to wait it out and let the Universe do her thing and patience is a hard pill to swallow but it's a necessary one. All in divine time. Your patience will definitely be rewarded and worth every moment.
"You found it! Known as the symbol of 'luck' and sometimes 'fortune', this card is designed as the Lady Luck of the deck. Consider this to be your penny on the sidewall - a surprise $20.00 in your pocket or a free coffee from Starbucks. This is YOUR reminder of the magical, and a reminder to allow abundance into your life. Remember, the Universe can only say 'yes' when YOU say 'come on it.' Bottom line, expect good luck. Quick recommendation, set this card out somewhere you will see her daily. At least for the next 24 hours. Manifest, dear one! Manifest!"

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