Blogs I Love

I've been meaning to do this post for a little while but I'm getting around to it, finally. There are a plethora of blogs in the vast galaxy that is the internet but there are a few that I particularly adore, some that I have been following for a while and some that I am a recent fan of. Where do I even begin...

I've been following Carrie over at Wish Wish Wish for quite a number of years now. She's such a lovely writer and her posts are all such great reads. I also just love her photographs, she's a gorgeous girl and has such talent. Not to mention it's so fun seeing all the places she visits both within the UK and the rest of Europe.

Man, let me tell you about this girl. She's hilarious. I continuously find myself bursting with laughter at the things she writes. She puts it all out there for you to see and she's not ashamed and I love love LOVE that! Her insight into the seemingly most mundane things is truly spectacular. She's so genuine and that's a rare thing to find these days. Do yourself a favor and hop over to her blog. Like now.

Another blog I've been following for a couple of years now, I just love Bri and the DLF team. I was lucky enough to take her Social Media workshop last year and what a revelation that was! Her taste and styling are pretty stinking impeccable, it's difficult not to spend hours of your day scrolling through her feed. They always have easy and awesome DIY's and recipes posts and what I enjoy most about them is that they're for the average person and not super crazy fancy and expensive. Love!

Melissa is a doll. With that candy pink hair and those adorable vintage outfits, who could resist her? Honestly. I stumbled across her by accident whilst clicking around on Instagram and I was hooked fairly instantly. I've been so inspired by her lately, pulling out some of the old vintagey clothes I own and never wear. Can't complain about that!

I remember finding Noelle on Instagram and following her there for quite a while before I actually looked at her blog. I'm so happy that I finally did though. Her style is so up my alley, though I find myself wishing I was so brave as to get away with wearing some of the cute stuff she does. If you are ever in need of inspiration before you get dressed in the morning, pop on over and take a peek at her page.

What can I say about Rebecca? It was her red hair that I initially noticed and I just thought “I have to find out who this girl is!!”
Her blog is wonderful and on top of the gorgeous photographs of her in sweet outfits amongst the Irish countryside she also gives a good number of tips on taking your own photos as a fashion blogger and how to really maximize the use of your camera. She's darling and if you have any interest in vintage or fashion at all you'll do well to visit her blog.

This woman is crazy fun. I love her posts, in particular the metaphysical ones, but really, everything she does is great. I found her by accident but what a lovely accident it was as she's quickly become a large source of inspiration for me. I bought her book Radical Self Love just after I started following her blog and that has completely changed so much in my life. It's funny how that works, huh?
I have the pleasure of taking the last Blogcademy class next month in San Francisco so I'm ridiculously excited about that as she ultimately was my inspiration for getting up and getting this blog going after so many years of only tinkering with the idea of it.

I love Johnny. Not just because we have been good friends for over 10 years but because he is a wonderful writer and an insightful, passionate person. We would often eat at these dinky little places in Hollywood together and from these little outings I began to really open myself up to new foods (plus he totally forced me to). His blog is primarily a foodie blog but he also writes about music and travel. Watch his space for some of our adventures!


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