the Witchery with Veronica Varlow

So, let me tell you what a journey it has been for me with this spirituality business. It hasn’t been easy or even a clear path most of the time but recently I realized, this is what I’m meant to be doing and I can FEEL it.
It's been hellish trying to put things in order, to come to terms with things, to find my center, or even people with whom I could speak to without judgment on the subject. Let me tell you though, it's all been worth it. This class, the people I've met the past couple of months have been little treasures and I'm glad I kept pushing forward with it and digging and researching and outreaching.

Anyway, I digress...kind of... let's talk about the class...and mama Veronica.
Gala Darling once said that VeronicaVarlow is one of the most magical people she knows, and let me tell you, this is absolutely true. From the first class, it's difficult to deny that Veronica has a very specific and unique gift. I learned SO much from her in the past 5 weeks and I'm so glad that she's doing an advanced class.

We learned a spell a week, and did some candle magic and discovered things about ourselves that maybe we weren't aware of before through guided meditations. If you're considering taking a class Veronica offers or if you're thinking about purchasing a tarot session with her, DO IT. It's such a worthwhile investment.

If you're not too keen on learning from books (as I have come to realize isn't the best way for me to learn and be excited about things) she definitely is big on intuitive magic. It's all really subjective, after all, I mean some books contradict one another so it's difficult to every really know what way is the “right” way and I am a firm believe in letting ones intuition and natural instincts take the lead. Different people pick up different things from all aspects of magic from candle magic to herbs..they all speak to us differently and it was nice to hear someone else (with so much more experience than I) say the same thing.

I know I’ve been quiet for such a long time but there any many things brewing and I am excited to share them all with you guys (if you're still around)!
Have any of you taken a class on tarot or magic? I'm really interested in learning what else is out there since I’m really just rediscovering all of this myself


  1. Very intresting! Love the post... I will have to look into this.

    1. Yes, she has 5 spots left in her next class, MoonCraft, which starts on Saturday. She is awesome!


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