Hey everyone!
I know it's been very quiet around here lately BUT i've been forced to work ridiculous amounts of overtime for many many days straight so that I could go on a birthday vacation last week. YAY FOR 30! I'm actually so excited for this next leg of my journey and I KNOW it's going to be so amazing, especially because of you guys. Pluuuusss, I've done a little soul searching the past few days and I'm ready to put my energy into this blog and my cards and the things i truly love instead of just some job i don't give a crap about because it pays the bills. No more of that business, it's making me feel old and tired and drains ALL of my energy and I'm not about that shit.

So, it's taken longer than anticipated but soon there will be an official House of Swords Tarot dot com, this blog is going to be something that is updated FAR more frequently and I will be offering you all a ton more stuff in the shop. I don't want to be the girl who cried wolf because I've been saying this for over a month already but i FINALLY have a lot of what  I need, what i haven't had munch of is time but that will also be changing. It's time to give back to you all, to make this a place you want to frequent and enjoy. So stay tuned for some new content and *drum roll* and interesting new adventure that Johnny over at All Nifty Things and I will be collaborating on! I'm so excited to show you...I'll give you sneak peeks of our shoot on March 12th!
I love you guys!

**all photos are my own, please do not use without permission**


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