Tarotscopes March 2016!

Hey everyone!
So I will be making Tarotscopes a monthly feature from now on! Yay!
I hope you enjoy them :)


Happy birthday, my loves!
I'm so excited about the card you got this month: the Ace of Cups
Aces are always about new beginnings, they're like a gift from the Universe. This particular gift is all about drinking from this gorgeous cup of creativity and new ideas. There are good things coming for you this month babies! You're going to be feeling great about yourself and your life this month. If you're in the healing process, you're going to have a sudden burst of energy, and find such deep enlightenment over your particular situation that you're going to think “why didn't I see that before?! It was SO obvious!”, and that single eureka moment is going to be a pivotal for you, things are going to make so much sense to you and you're really going to have a surge of power and come out the other side victorious. Whatever you start this month, make sure you see it though, even if it doesn't work out, it could lead you to even better things and new adventures. Take a sip and see where it leads you...


The 9 of Pentacles -
Yes babies! This card is about abundance! All those little seeds you've been planting for the past few months, all those ideas and projects...you will soon be reaping the rewards of everything you've set into motion. If you've been feeling a little bit like maybe it wasn't happening or that you wasted your time, think again! It's coming. The Universe teaches us patience especially in matters of our dreams coming to fruition. Like a bird on her nest, she has to keep those baby eggs warm until they're ready to hatch, she doesn't force it and she rides out the hard weather day in and day out and in the end all her hard work is 100% worth it. So, keep pushing and striving loves because your hard work is going to pay off very soon.


The 6 of Swords -
My loves, if you have been having a time of it the past 6 or so months, TRUST me when I tell you that you are almost out of the storm. There is a light at the end of this tunnel and calmer, sweeter days lie ahead of you. Let this strife or these issues you've been facing fuel you into pushing through the last leg of this rough patch because it truly is nearly over, you are already in the clear and you are so much stronger now and so many lessons were learned in your journey. It's time to start fresh though, my darlings. It's time to breathe that sigh of relief and move into the next exciting adventure that is waiting for you. Your time to shine is here.


The 9 of Wands -
Yes Geminis, it has been a long hard road. Imagine a thousand steps...and you've climbed them ALL save for the last 9, you can see the end results or the goal right at the top of all these steps. Just 9 more and you're there. You can choose to see this in a negative light and say “9 more?!?! I should be THERE already” or you can pull yourself up by the bootstraps and say “Only 9 more to go and i'm running the rest of the way”...the victory will be sweet, my loves, I promise. It will all be worth it. You've been tending to and nuturing these passions and dreams for so long now, and babies you have EARNED this.
This card is telling you, don't give up now, even if you feel like you can't climb anymore, do not give up now.


Daughter of Wands -
New ideas abound for you this month! The muses will definitely be whispering in your ear giving you fodder for all sorts of awesome and wild things. Let those ideas blossom, no matter how crazy they might seem to you, let it all flow through you and see where you end up. Take some chances on your passions because they're ready to take off! Even if it means that you're just writing ideas down or riffing ideas with friends, do it often this month, get things going and before you know it you'll find yourself with a sense of renewed energy and passion to get it DONE! 


5 of Pentacles -
My dear sweer Leo...things have been a little rough around the edges for you lately, It seems like every time you're up something knocks you down a peg. This month is about lessons for you and you have choices. You can take the 'woe is me' approach to things and think that you're just unlucky and the world is against you OR you can take everything that is thrown at you and use it to make you stronger. Money might be a little tight but rather than saying you can't afford something switch up your approach, say “I have other things I need to spend my money on right now but soon I can invest in ______”, ask yourself HOW you can afford something versus saying outright that you CAN'T afford it. The Universe is listening and if you keep saying you CAN'T do something you will find that the Universe provides you little to no opportunities because that is what YOU are putting out there. Put a positive spin on things this month and see how much your luck changes.


The High Priestess -
Yeeesss Virgo babies! I love this mama because she's telling you that you need to get in it and dig deep into yourself and tap into those feelings, into that INTUITION you have. She is all about the mysterious side of things, but also about deep wisdom. So this month, I suggest you cut some time out to meditate at LEAST once a week, take some time for you with no interruptions...even if it's only 10 minutes a day, take the time to sit in quiet with yourself. Maybe even have a question ready to meditate on and see what comes to you and once your session is over write it all down. Words, thoughts, answers, even if you see images write it all down. You need to gain some clarity for yourself because I sense there is a new adventure on your horizon!


The Mother of Cups -
You are a deep lover and you wear your heart on your sleeve my libra friend! You are definitely not afraid to nurture your emotions and you tend to take time to recharge when you know that you need it. It seems though that you haven't had a lot of you time lately, so get down with it this month my loves!
There have been things that you have been caring for as a priority lately and maybe some of your other desires have been left to fall by the wayside. Pick them up this month, dust them off and bring them back to life, they are reaching out to you. We all get a little carried away in the dailies, work, school, bills, family, our partners, etc..that's normal. Just make sure that you aren't neglecting some of those emotions you thrive off of.


The Lovers -
Think Bonnie & Clyde, you know...without the deadly shootout. This person GETS you and they love you for EXACTLY who you are, faults and all. They see the real you and they would not change you for the world. Cherish this person like CRAZY. If you have a lover nurtue the hell out of this relationship in March, especially if you think it's starting to feel a little stale and that is totally ok. We get bogged down and tired from working our jobs and studying and all of the other minutia of every day life and we forget to spend time sprucing up our relationships especially when they're already established. Take a little time to do new things and discover together this month, maybe take turns planning a date night every week or do something you dont normally do like picnic in the park. If you are unattached nurture your friendships, we tend to let those come last sometimes because our friends love and forgive us and understand when we dont call or text regularly. Get out there and do things with them! You never know where it might lead, you may even find your soul mate on the way.


8 of Cups -
Honies, babies, loves...if you have been dreaming, aching, wondering about moving on...your sign is here. While it might be sad and hard and you're frustrated or hurt or feel like you wasted your time, close your eyes and breathe. It's time to see what doesn't work and move on to something that does. Remember though, it wasn't a waste of time, everything we go through, the good and the bad are providing us lessons and we must always learn from them even when it's difficult.
This card is also a reminder, my dears, that something AMAZING is around the corner! Be on the look out, snap that opportunity up with gusto and run with it!


Son of Swords -
It's time, my dear Capricorn, to take a little action and cut out of your life those things that do not serve you any longer. Cut through the bullshit, disregard the nostalgia and do a little spring cleaning in your life. Swords represent the hard truths, Swords knock us down, cut us up and then tell us to be stronger, ruthless brutality but always with love. They tell us that even when things are as low as they can get, we can rise up again. So take a hint from the Son of Swords, adjust your sights, take aim and hit that damn bullseye like you mean it. You will conquer this month my sweet Capricorn and it's going to give you the momentum you need to take the rest of this year by storm like the badass you are. So step up to the plate and get it.


The World -
My Aquarius love, this month is going to be a game changer for you even if you don't see it right away. You are already taking steps towards goals that you feel deeply about, these things that will be life changing in the end, you are on your way to acheving it all! All the momentum you gained from February will only propel you even further in March and whatever setbacks or snags you faced are going to all but disappear and you will be unstoppable. The obstacles you face in March will seem like a piece of cake even if you struggle in the moment you have your eyes on the prize and, as is in your nature, you are going to take whatever comes your way and use it to make you stronger. You got this babies!


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