July // IV of Swords

Hello everyone!
It's time again for the monthly tarotscope! It's amazing to me how fast 2016 is flying by, I honestly have no idea where the time has gone. Which seems fitting, considering the theme of this month's card...

The card for July is: IV   of   S w o r d s
If you will remember, the card for June was Death. Death brings about all kinds of transformation and the end of a cycle. Death brings change, change we desperately need whether we think we are ready for it or not. It's necessary, for without it we would not grow.
It seems logical then, that the card for July would be the IV of Swords. She reminds us that we need to take a break. Hard and fast change is sometimes thrust upon us but even still, we must make time for ourselves. We must rest. We must prepare ourselves to come face to face with the change that is happening or will be happening soon. Be patient with yourself. Ease up on pushing your limits. Take CARE of yourself. You cannot expect to take on anything new if you are not properly rested and prepared for it. It's often times our general nature to take more than we can handle, to pile on the responsibilities until we no longer have time to breathe or eat or get enough sleep. We run ourselves into the ground and we don't think about the toll that is taking not only on our physical bodies but our emotions as well. Keep this in mind for July, when you feel like you might be biting off a little more than you can chew, stop. Say no. Saying no does not make you weak, it makes you STRONG. It means you have boundaries and you KNOW that you must take care of yourself first in order to be able to perform your responsibilities.
Take some time to put together a routine of self care, even if that means going to bed a little earlier, or waking up earlier for some meditation. Do yoga. Run. Walk. Read books. Do what you need to do to fill your cup, to replenish your needs. Maybe take this as an opportunity for some self growth, discover new things about yourself, get in tune with what you want. Listen to or, hell, FIND your intuition. We all have it. Some of us are more in tune and aware than others but it exists in all of us.

Let this month be about you because this is only the beginning. We are about to springboard into the second half of the year and I have a feeling it's going to be a bit of a whirlwind.
So rest up, get to know yourself, check in with yourself...prepare for everything amazing you are about to embark upon.

If you are thinking about starting up a spiritual practice but don't know where to begin or would like to learn how to read the tarot, I now offer an intuitive mentorship program! Check out my shop for more details!



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